California residents may be dealing with older family members who are no longer able to live safely in their homes. They may have memory or cognitive issues or physical limitations. Everyone wants to be able to live in their own space and have the most independence possible. Both physical limitations and memory or cognitive issues develop slowly. Because of this, seniors might not realize they have a problem even though those around them are very concerned for their safety and health.

When is it Time For a Person to Move to an Assisted Living Community?

When is it time for a person to consider moving to a senior living community? In the best-case scenario, a couple or single older person will choose to move to a senior-oriented community on their own while they are still healthy mentally and physically. These communities often have different levels of care so a person or couple can move to an independent living apartment or townhouse and enjoy a life free of home maintenance but still on their own.

Then, as their needs for assistance increase, the community adjusts its level of services. When a senior citizen develops memory, cognitive issues, or physical problems that require assisted living homes or memory care services, those changes can be easily made.

But many senior citizens do not choose an assisted living community in Roseville, CA, on their own. They want to stay in their home even if it is not practical or safe any longer. The time for a family member to move into an assisted care community is indicated by these indicators:

  • The family member develops trouble keeping their home clean and safe. Cleaning chores are too difficult or are often neglected. Physical issues may prevent the person from doing household chores like dusting, mopping floors, or doing laundry. Making beds and doing dishes may no longer be possible.
  • Eating habits and changes in appetite also signal trouble. If an older person is forgetting to eat meals, loses appetite, or stops consuming enough fluids, there is a problem. Look for weight loss or diet-related health issues. Forgetting to take medication is another dangerous sign.
  • If a loved one has more slips and falls resulting in injuries, that is a troubling sign. If it is not practical to add safety features to the home, moving to a safer place may be needed.
  • Driving problems are another danger sign. If a family member notices increased dents and scratches on the car, or if car accidents are happening, it may be time to make other arrangements for transportation, including moving into an assisted living community with transportation services.
  • Look for memory lapses, wandering or getting lost in familiar areas, confusion, not knowing familiar people, and other concerning behaviors. When these problems affect the person’s safety, it is a sign that more help is needed.

How To Convince a Reluctant Senior to Try Assisted Living For Seniors?

When a family is trying to find good care for seniors, the senior is often reluctant to give up their family home and move to a new place. They are afraid of change, giving up their belongings, and losing their independence. It is a hard decision for the whole family. Rather than forcing an aged person to move to an assisted living community, there are steps to make the move less frightening and more positive.

  • Start talking about the advantages of assisted living options before it is an emergency. Give the senior citizen a chance to get used to the idea. Point out that this option would make life easier, safer, and more enjoyable. Give the person time to accept their need for more care and a change of living arrangements.
  • Research assisted living places near the family in California and take the family member on tours. Don’t pressure them too much.
  • Wait for the right times to suggest assisted living, such as if a fall occurs or another frightening incident happens.
  • Find referrals from friends or assisted living communities some of the person’s friends have moved to recently. Suggesting the person visit their friend and check out the community might smooth the way.
  • Get informational brochures that highlight the benefits of assisted living to show the person.
  • Have a family meeting or a meeting with caregivers, family doctors, or other people who care about the senior citizen and are worried about them. Everyone can express their love and concern for the person and their situation. This should be low-pressure and give the person choices. Rushing a person into agreeing to a move is not helpful. They need time to decide on their own.

About Summerfield of Roseville Community

This is a luxury and a private pay community. We give excellent care and quality of life services. Summerfield of Roseville does not accept Medicaid Section 8, Medicaid Spend Down, or other housing voucher programs. This is a community with 56 memory care living units with elegant furnishing and around-the-clock care. Please contact us for additional information such as pricing and services we offer.